- Fast compilation loop with tmux and neovim - February 21
- ghcid-error-file.nvim: A ghcid plugin for neovim - November 28
- Haskell dev workflow with ghcid and neovim - September 4
- Columns - a new XMonad layout - May 2
- Advent of code 2023 - January 30
- Writing an Android app in Haskell - November 7
- Deploying a static website with nix - August 1
- A perfect pet project to learn Rust - June 1
- Going split - March 31
- The home-manager function that changes everything - February 7
- Basic nix VM for just anything - January 16
- Testing Active Directory without Active Directory - October 31
- Making keyboard settings survives USB connections - August 29
- Going Freelance in France - June 12
- Embed the git hash into a binary with nix - April 22
- Practical introduction to fugitive - March 2
- Local mariadb server with nix-shell - January 30
- The coolest DIY project around - December 21
- Copying from anywhere - November 15
- Tuning your mechanical keyboard firmware - October 6
- How to use ddcutil to switch input of a Dell screen - August 20
- ssh config as a hosts file - July 18
- A good enough mechanical keyboard - June 25
- Viming Haskell in 2021 - May 14
- Error handling resources for Haskell - April 11
- Touch typing tips for French developers - March 15
- This website is generated by Hakyll - February 22